
Peter Giesin

Ignite CTO, Myth Maker & Master Storyteller


About Me

Peter is a visionary storyteller and mythmaker, masterfully weaving the digital and the mythical into a tapestry of personal myths that captivate and elevate. As the Co-Founder and CTO of Ignite Publishing, he merges the nuances of technology with the art of storytelling to amplify emerging voices, transforming their narratives into beacons that illuminate readers worldwide. His expertise ensures that up-and-coming authors have the tools and platform they need to shine brightly in a competitive literary world.

Beyond leading Ignite Publishing, Peter is a Software Evangelist on a mission to empower authors, making sure their voices echo far and wide. His own writing dances on the edge of inspiration and challenge, leading others into realms unexplored, while consistently challenging conventional wisdom and inspiring those around him. He embodies a relentless pursuit of the new and the transformative, urging us all to craft our own stories of depth and adventure.

Outside the digital and literary realms, Peter’s adventures mirror his stories. He treks across uncharted terrains and dives into the mysterious depths of the world's oceans in his exploration of human limits and potential. These adventures aren’t mere hobbies; they are an integral part of his journey to push boundaries and discover new dimensions of life.

Perhaps most strikingly, Peter harbors a profound aspiration: to live until the age of 125. This goal is not just a wish but a reflection of his deep-seated belief in expanding the boundaries of human longevity. Combining this ambition with his professional and personal passions, Peter’s path is a vivid demonstration of a life led with tenacity, purpose, and an unyielding thirst for knowledge.

Ignite Humanity



Highly recommended

“The Ignite series has proven to be one of the best ways to get yourself out there. I also enjoyed reliving a moment in my own life that I get to look back at. It is an opportunity to help others who might be struggling and, at the very least, fill someone’s heart and bring a smile across their face as they live through each story.”

Andonia Reynolds

Highly recommended

“Writing my story for the first time was a profound healing experience, helping me overcome the voices of my own self-doubt, allowing me to get in touch with my authenticity, and giving me the courage to share it with the world. It truly Ignited my life.”

Albert Urena

Highly recommended

“Participating in Ignite your Adventurous Spirit allowed me an outlet for my story. It gave me the opportunity to share my biggest adventure and what I learned from it. The coaches and editors were invaluable in giving impact to my story, validation to my experience, so that now it can be shared with the world. Thank you so much, Ignite team! I can’t wait for my next chapter.”

Nadia La Russa

Highly recommended

“Every moment is an opportunity for something to ignite within our heart and soul. Whether we notice, recall, or record, it is up to us. Taking the time to write the detailed and vulnerable stories of two profound moments in my life transformed the way I saw those moments. It stirred a new appreciation for the value of capturing the magic and the details of your experience in words. That process can transform tragedy into triumph and experience into insight. Truly profound and powerful.”

Mystère Tasra Poème-Dawson

Highly recommended

“This is my second time contributing to the Ignite compilation book series. I keep coming back because I find the writing process so rewarding and therapeutic. It gives me a glimpse into myself; a chance to get very intimate with my own thoughts and experiences of past events that have come to shape me into the person I am. Telling my Adventurous Spirit story allowed me to see the thread that runs through my urge to explore and travel. It was a search for belonging and the desire to find home — something deep down we’re all looking for. I encourage anyone who wishes to know themselves better to consider this undertaking. There is such love and support from the Ignite family to help you along and you‘ll be proud you did it.”

Yendre Shen

Highly recommended

“The experience of writing with Ignite was more enjoyable and transformative than I had imagined. It became more than writing my story, it included developing myself and my viewpoint as well as developing my confidence, self trust, and the opportunity to learn from all involved. From the team and editors to the other authors in the community, there is a palpable sense of family, positivity, and professionalism that continues to fuel my progress. Thanks to all for your contributions!”

Judy (J.) Winslow

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